Thursday, March 14, 2013

'Veronica Mars' Kickstarter Achieves Massive Fundraising

Fans of the TV show Veronica Mars will be happy to know that the Kickstarter project to bring the show to the big screen as a feature film has become the fastest project to reach the $1 million mark.

The project beats out others such as Pebble watch and the OUYA console along with the role-playing game TormentVeronica Mars only took a little over four hours to reach $1 million, which is quite impressive for a show that never had that good of ratings and is only available to watch on The show itself fits perfectly as a Kickstarter campaign, as the show has a cult following that was clearly more than willing to donate money and spread the word of this opportunity. This has obviously been made much easier thanks to Twitter and Facebook, where as before fans of the show relied on discussion forums and fan sites to raise money.

It has been confirmed that the project reached the $2 million goal in under ten hours, with fans still donating money by the minute.

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